Why Should You Be Acquainted with John Owen? Jonathan and James are pleased to be talking with Crawford Gribben today. He’s the professor of Early Modern British History at Queen’s University in Belfast. Gribben has written An Introduction to John Owen: A Christian Vision for Every Stage of Life, and today he shares with us why it is worth getting to know Owen. In his book, Gribben strives to reclaim John Owen for the ordinary Christian. For many, Owen is perceived as a non-relatable, high-level Puritan intellectual concerned about the minutia of theology. Gribben is committed to revealing the pastoral side of Owen and his manner of preaching and teaching…how he dealt with the ordinary daily affairs of his congregants…and the struggles in his own personal life, including the loss of his first wife and all his ten children. What was Owen’s distinctive contribution, and how can we apply it to our lives today? Register for the opportunity to win a free copy of An Introduction to John Owen. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway. Show Notes · Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest by Crawford Gribben