This week on Theology on the Go, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by Rev. Mark Johnston, Minister of Bethel Presbyterian Church (EPCEW) in Cardiff, Wales. He was previously Senior Pastor of Proclamation Presbyterian Church Bryn Mawr, PA and of Grove Chapel in Camberwell, London. He began his ministry as a church planter in Ireland. Mark is the author of several books, including Let's Study John and Let's Study 2 Peter and Jude. Rev. Johnston stops by to talk with Jonathan about worship. Listen in as Jonathan and Mark discuss this important topic!Just for listening, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free resource. An MP3 of Dr. Donald Barnhouse's sermon entitled "How to Worship God" is free to download. Go to ReformedResources.org to download your free MP3!Theology on the Go is a brief conversation on eternal truths with Jonathan Master, Executive Editor of PlaceForTruth.org, a voice of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Each program features a pastor/theologian discussing key biblical doctrines in thoughtful and accessible ways. Theology on the Go will help you better understand the finer points of theology, while showing how relevant and important theology truly is for Christians today.