Theology for Ministry Since assuming his first pastorate in 1971, Sinclair Ferguson’s life and Bible teaching have left an indelible mark on the lives and ministries of his parishioners, students, colleagues, and friends. Our guest today edited and contributed to a Festschrift published in Ferguson’s honor—Theology for Ministry: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice. Like Ferguson, Chad VanDixhoorn is a pastor, professor, and author. Along with an impressive list of co-contributors, VanDixhoorn outlines a rich scriptural framework for ministry grounded in key Christian doctrines and the application of the benefits and blessings that come to us through the Spirit in our union with Christ.
Thanks to P&R Publishing, we were able to offer three copies of Theology for Ministry for a giveaway. The winners were David R. from Williamsburg, VA, Cullen B. from Marietta, GA, and Brandt K. from Trevose, PA.