The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church Believers tend to regard our union with Christ as a merely spiritual or even mystical bond. But 16th-century Italian priest-turned-Protestant theologian Gilorama Zanchi maintained that our spiritual marriage with Jesus joins us as one flesh with the Savior. Patrick O’Banion taught history at the university level for two decades and now trains pastors and other leaders overseas. Patrick has written several books and serves as translator for Zanchi’s The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church and Every One of the Faithful. O’Banion explains how Zanchi’s writings as a Reformed scholastic would be foundational to the training and preparation of future pastors and theologians, asserting a Reformed perspective on union with Christ, the Trinity, and other central doctrines of the faith. To possibly win a copy of Zanchi’s The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church and Every One of the Faithful, click here. The copies are a gift from Reformation Heritage Books.