Paul, Paton, and Missions Paul Schlehlein joins in today all the way from South Africa to talk about the life of one of the great Scottish missionaries of the 19th century, John G. Paton. Paul has written a biography of Paton, published by Banner of Truth, which features practical applications for the 21st century lay Christian. Schehlein tells us how the life of John G. Paton played a role in his decision to venture into the mission field, and how it shaped Paul’s approach to mission ministry. What were some of the challenges that John G. Paton faced in the mission field? Are the doctrines of grace a damper or booster to evangelism? Show Notes About Paul Schlehlein Between Two Cultures by Paul Schlehlein John G. Paton’s Autobiography We’re pleased to offer you the opportunity to win a free copy of John G. Paton’s biography by Paul Schlehlein. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Banner of Truth.