This week on Theology on the Go, our host, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by Dr. Joel Beeke. Dr. Beeke is President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written and co-authored eighty books, edited fifty more (most recently, The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, Encouragement for Today’s Pastors, Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth, Prepared by Grace for Grace: The Puritans on God’s Ordinary Way of Leading Sinners to Christ), and contributed 2500 articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary. He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have three children. This week on Theology on the Go we are continuing a series on the Doctrines of Grace. We at Place for Truth are capitalizing on the Quakertown Regional Conference on Reformed Theology, which will feature Joel Beeke, Anthony Carter, and Tony Merida. This week Joel Beeke has joined us to talk about the "I" in Irresistible Grace. Just for listening, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free resource. An MP3 of Joel Beeke's message, " Children of God: Adopted into the Father's Love" is yours free as our gift to you. Go to to download your free MPS! Now, grab that cup of coffee and meet us at the table!