How important are the first chapters of Genesis to our understanding of the whole of Scripture? What happens to our perspective if we isolate Genesis 1-3 from the rest of God’s Word? Richard Barcellos drops in. He’s written Getting the Garden Right: Adam’s Work and God’s Rest in Light of Christ. The book is a sharp analysis of both the covenant of works and the Sabbath. Was Adam called to simply tend the Garden of Eden, or was there a greater goal given even before the fall? Richard paints the big picture, applying Scriptural proofs along the way. Show Notes Richard Barcellos New Covenant Theology (NCT) Romans 3:23 Genesis 1:28 2 Thessalonians 2:14 We are happy to be giving away copies of Getting the Garden Right by today’s guest. Sign up for the opportunity to win one. The copies are a generous gift from Founders Press.