Evangelism Around the World Jonathan and James have the privilege of speaking with Anthony Curto, professor of Missions and Apologetics at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Anthony also has extensive experience serving as a pastor, church planter, and missionary worldwide, all of which qualifies him as the ideal guest for today’s conversation. Dr. Curto discusses his experience building a ministry “from the ground up”–quite literally laying down the bricks of a theological college's foundation before developing the curriculum, forming pastors, then helping them to plant churches. If that doesn’t sound challenging enough, imagine needing to learn the local cultural background, vocabulary, and beliefs before being able to teach the philosophy of theology to the locals! He brings a lot of valuable insight based on his experience to today’s show. Show Notes ICRC - International Conference of Reformed Churches We are pleased to be giving away a few copies of John Piper’s Let the Nations Be Glad! Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Baker Academic.